The Power of Slowing Down

I am going to initially keep this post short because I am tired from a long day and have work in the morning. I plan to expand on this post when I have more time and energy.

Ray’s First Cacao Ceremony

I participated in my first Cacao Ceremony today (this link likely will stop working when the Instagram story expires) at Grand Central Petaluma. While this may not appear to be related to what my blog is about, the intersectionality between the focus on how powerful slowing down to truly experience the Cacao Ceremony made me think about how important slowing down other aspects of my life is. Since I want to make my blog more interactive, how do you think the power of slowing down could help to encourage the creation of robust in-person social networks?

Grand Central Petaluma hosted a Cacao Ceremony. Photo: Ray Atkinson

The video below shares more about Jamie’s cacao ceremony preparation process from Ecuador. You can learn more through his free e-book.

Future Blog Post

I was impressed by the Petaluma Transit Advisory Committee’s goal-setting discussion during the March 9th meeting. While I have to remain neutral on the TAC members’ thoughts because I work for the City of Petaluma, I want to write a future post about the goal-setting discussion. The below video shows the recording for the March 9th meeting.