Redwood National Park at Eye Level

I usually refer my readers to “The City at Eye Level” because I typically write about cities at eye level. One weakness of this book is that it does not discuss the importance of forest bathing, especially for city residents with nature-deficit disorder. Since I did plenty of forest bathing during my vacation and even taught my retired friend about forest bathing, I want to push the envelope of what The City at Eye Level means by including the perspective of Redwood National Park at Eye Level.

Forest Bathing

I debated whether to share my forest bathing experience or my active transportation access concerns first. Due to how far Redwood National Park is from major cities and how many strong and fearless pedestrians and cyclists already use Highway 101, I doubt active transportation access to Redwood National Park will be improved anytime soon.

With my access concerns shared, I want to focus on the more relaxing topic of forest bathing. As I share photos of how I did forest bathing, I realize that these photos mean that I broke a rule of forest bathing by bringing my phone. This is one way that I wish that I was more like my retired friend who went hiking with me. While Stephen brought his iPhone, he rarely used it. He also rarely took photos. He prefers to live in the moment and not take photos. We picked on each other because our generations stereotypically approach technology so differently. Stephen is a baby boomer, and I am a millennial.

I will admit that it felt strange to hike with a baby boomer instead of fellow millennials. We talked with a group of millennials who were hiking on the same trail. Even though Stephen’s hair looks nothing like my hair, they asked if Stephen was my dad or related to me somehow. This is not the first time that I have received weird looks and been interrogated about why I am hanging out with someone who does not look like me. I used to date a Black woman in the Washington, DC region. We received weird looks during our dates, especially when we went into the Black neighborhoods on the east side of Washington, DC. Since I have been asked by dates whether I have a Black fetish, I should clarify that I have dated a variety of attractive BIPOC and white women. I do not only date Black women.

Using as many senses as possible while interacting with the forest is important when forest bathing. Since I did not take any videos, I can’t share how I used my sense of hearing when forest bathing. However, I can describe that listening to the creek ripples, ocean waves, sprinkles from the fog, and birds was relaxing.

Hiking during my Smith River kayaking trip. While the redwood trees look burnt to death, the trees likely never actually die because redwood trees clone themselves. Photo: Ray Atkinson
Learning about the heat-resistant layers of the redwood trees during my kayak and hiking tour was fascinating! Being in the redwoods during a fire would be safer than other forests. Photo: Ray Atkinson
Beautiful lily in Redwood National and State Parks! Photo: Ray Atkinson
Look how clear and beautiful the creek is! I wore waterproof shoes and socks to feel the creek. I enjoyed listening to the creek ripples. Photo: Ray Atkinson
Smith River was also clear and scenic during my kayak tour! Photo: Ray Atkinson
Yes, that is me standing at the base of a huge redwood tree! Photo: Ray Atkinson

Future Blog Post

I will probably return to blogging about my typical urban and suburban topics because I spend most of my time in urban and suburban cities. Since I believe rural areas are often forgotten about, especially by technology-addicted millennials who likely get stressed by having no internet, cell, and GPS services, I want to try to squeeze in more rural posts. Do you prefer reading about rural or urban/suburban areas?

Arcata at Eye Level: Part 2

I wanted to share a few more thoughts about Arcata before I depart tomorrow to hike and kayak with my retired friend, Stephen Walton, in Redwood National Park. As a reminder, I am still writing this post on my phone because I decided to leave my laptop at home. “Arcata at Eye Level: Part 2” is a reference to “The City at Eye Level”.

Importance of flipping stop signs on bike boulevard

I seeked out biking on Portland’s neighborhood greenways when I lived in Portland because I could avoid having to stop at every minor crossing. Unfortunately, Arcata did not design its bike boulevard (aka neighborhood greenway) the same way. While Arcata signed bike boulevard routes, I believe there were stop signs at every intersection. Flipping the stop signs at intersections with two stop signs or removing the stop signs on the bike boulevard at four-way stops is an easy and cheap way to prioritize people using the bike boulevard. As I have also been observing in Petaluma, it can be challenging to gain support from motorists for this idea because cyclists would be prioritized over motorists. Has your city flipped any stop signs to prioritize people over cars?

Arcata bike boulevard. Photo: Ray Atkinson

Car parking access using trail looks similar to approach used in Houten, Netherlands

I was so surprised by seeing car parking access provided using a trail in Arcata that I asked people walking by whether cars actually drive on the trail to access car parking. While the people walking did not understand what I was asking because they just said it’s a trail, I plan to ask the City of Arcata staff how this arrangement works. Since the intersection sign shows L Street and not a trail name, it appears that this section of L Street was converted to a trail. Due to this being a trail, I am also curious why the sign has “road” in it. A trail is not a road, so does the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) not have a sign that states “Trail Closed To Thru Car Traffic”?

“Road Closed To Thru Traffic” sign next to car parking on trail in Arcata. Photo: Ray Atkinson
Car parking that can only be accessed from the trail in Arcata. Photo: Ray Atkinson

The photo below is from when I biked in Houten, Netherlands. The car parking connection to the trail looks very similar to the approach used in Arcata. While I am not sure whether people in Houten actually drive on the trail, do you see how the car parking is connected to the trail?

Trail connected to car parking in Houten, Netherlands. Photo: Ray Atkinson

Future Blog Post

My vacation continues tomorrow in an area of northwest California that I have not explored yet. My friend and I plan to hike and kayak in Redwood National Park through Friday. Since one of my vacation goals is to be off the grid as much as possible, I am looking forward to having limited or no internet and cell services through Friday. While Arcata put the bar high in weird and surprising approaches to transportation planning, I hope to see more weird transportation planning approaches that surprise me. Am I surprised too easily, or are you also surprised by what I found?

Arcata at Eye Level: Part 1

I am writing this post on my smartphone because I decided not to bring my laptop on my 9-day Redwood National Park and nearby cities vacation. While I usually bring my laptop on trips, I packed more than usual this time because I plan to be more adventurous than usual, which is impressive considering I usually have adventurous vacations. “Arcata at Eye Level: Part 1” is a reference to “The City at Eye Level”.


I wanted to write this quick post because the bike parking situation in Arcata is bothering me. Thankfully, I found a slightly secure covered bike parking solution within walking distance of my Airbnb. I wrote “slightly secure” because I am concerned about the people with bad hygiene who I saw in the shopping center potentially trying to steal my expensive bike.

I was originally planning to park my e-bike rental in one of the bike lockers at the Arcata Transit Center. Since a key is needed to use the bike lockers and the transit staff do not work during the weekend, I was unable to unlock the lockers today. I brought my own lock in case the lockers were able to be used with a lock provided by the user. Due to how many low-income people hang out at the transit center, I assume these people may have slept in the lockers if they were kept unlocked when there is no bike in the lockers. I experienced this issue at Clackamas Town Center when the bike lockers were removed after homeless people abused the lockers. How should bike locker providers balance providing cyclists with easy access to the lockers with preventing homeless people from abusing the lockers?

Arcata Transit Center bike lockers. Photo: Ray Atkinson

I searched for alternative covered bike parking in Arcata to protect the battery in my e-bike rental from getting wet in case it rains. This proved to be challenging due to how many racks are uncovered. I am thankful that there is at least some bike parking, especially downtown.

Partly covered bike parking in Arcata. The rest of the rack behind my bike is not covered.
Is this bike parking?

Thankfully, Arcata has some legitimate bike parking, which is mostly located downtown. I was honestly in a depressed mood from being alone, so I appreciated reading Greg Bee’s poetry on the bike rack because their poetry improved my mood. I recommend checking out Barb Chamberlain’s blog for more bike-related poetry.

Yes, I have been thinking about stuff beyond bike parking. I was intrigued by how Arcata has permeable pavement with a rain garden. I usually only think of larger cities having this innovative design.

Future Blog Post

One of my vacation goals is not to be glued to my phone, so I am not sure when I will publish my next post about my vacation. I look at screens enough at work!

Car-Free Redwood National Park Vacation Barriers

I was hoping that planning my June 24 – July 2 car-free Redwood National Park vacation would be as easy as renting an e-bike in Eureka and then biking to Redwood National Park. I normally have Fridays off work, so I wanted to clarify that my vacation starts on Saturday and not Friday because I will be attending the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in the US Conference in San Francisco on June 22-23. I enjoy catching up with colleagues and meeting new people at conferences. Will you be attending this conference, or do you live in San Francisco?

Since I do not feel safe or comfortable enough to bike on Highway 101, which only has “bike share the road” signs, I am not willing to bike on Highway 101. I briefly wrote about bike signage in this 2015 post. I was excited when I found Hammond Truck Road, which is shown in the below Google Maps screenshot, because I thought I found a route to avoid biking on Highway 101. Redwood National Park is the dark green area in the top right corner. Eureka is located south of Crannell. Due to Google Maps showing “This route has restricted usage or private roads,” I contacted Humboldt County staff to clarify whether I could bike on Hammond Tuck Road. As Bob’s reply shows, I would be trespassing if I biked on this road.

The route that you are considering is through private property. These roads have locked gates and are posted with signs indicating no trespassing.

Bob Bronkall, Humboldt County Surveyor

I do not want to embarrass Humboldt County too much. They are at least trying to plan for people who do not drive by providing the Hammond Trail, which I plan to bike on during my vacation. I just wish this trail went all the way to Redwood National Park. Hopefully, this trail will be extended further north someday!

Ray’s Backup Plan

It appears I will be biking less than I wanted during my June vacation. Thankfully, transit services exist between Eureka and Redwood National Park. Redwood Coast Transit operates Route 20 along the below route. While Route 20 does not provide frequent service and only operates on Monday-Saturday, I do not have any safe alternatives to consider. Due to Route 20 ending in Arcata, I may stay in Arcata to avoid having to transfer to another bus to reach Eureka. I wish there was one regional transit provider in this rural area so I could avoid having to transfer!

As this 2022 post shows, I am also concerned about whether the e-bike that I plan to rent will fit on Redwood Coast Transit’s buses. I have not found a transit system in the US that has an entire fleet that can fit e-bikes. While I am waiting for Redwood Coast Transit to confirm that my e-bike rental will not fit on their buses, I assume that I will have no e-bike when I reach Redwood National Park. Despite being used to riding an e-bike, I may rent a non-electric bike so I can take a bike on the bus to Redwood National Park.

Difficulty Finding Redwood National Park Tour

My next barrier after reaching Redwood National Park is finding a group tour. Redwood National Park has limited or no cell and internet services, which is great for disconnecting from social media and emails. I will be traveling alone, so I would prefer to find a group tour to prevent anything bad from happening when traveling alone in an isolated place. While I was excited to find Redwood Adventures, they only offer private tours to groups of at least two people. I emailed them to ask if I can join a larger group or schedule my tour on a less busy weekday. I realize they make more money by preventing single people from scheduling a private tour. I wish I had a girlfriend to go on the tour with me!

Future Blog Post

I may not blog much during my June vacation because I want to enjoy exploring Eureka, Arcata, and Redwood National Park. I also may not have reliable internet access, which I think will be great to help me disconnect from social media and emails. I hope to have time in July to publish posts on how my vacation went. What do you want to read about?

Riding Alone on National Ride A Bike Day

The first Sunday in May, which is today, is National Ride A Bike Day. The League of American Bicyclists created this day in 2021, so it is a recent addition to National Bike Month. As I shared in my last post, May is also National Mental Health Awareness Month. My personal connection between National Ride A Bike Day and National Mental Health Awareness Month is that I felt depressed biking alone today. While my close California friend, Stephen (not Stephan who lives in Minnesota), lives too far away in rural Clearlake Oaks to go on bike rides with me, we are hoping to plan a future bike ride someday. Stephen is excited to try riding my e-bike when we can find a safe test ride location in Petaluma. This was the closest I got to biking with someone today. I am also excited that an asexual (we met through OkCupid with my original thought of dating) female Windsor friend wants to bike with me someday. Our first attempt to bike together in and near Windsor was canceled due to light rain forcing the bike shop to cancel all bike rentals. I still cannot believe the bike shop canceled our rentals due to light rain!

Continuing Ray’s Settle Down Topic

While I also need male friends, most of whom have respected my desire to be friends and not lovers (I am recovering from almost getting raped by a male leader), I do not want to lose track of my “settle down” topic. Before I share political thoughts, I want to be clear that I know many moderates and conservatives who share my perspective on creating mixed-use neighborhoods that are safe to walk, bike, and ride transit in. Since I believe education is needed to create behavior change and know many moderates and conservatives who value increased property values, I want to encourage moderates and conservatives to research the return on investment (ROI) of investing in mixed-use neighborhoods that are safe to walk, bike, and ride transit in. I realize that I could share the research that I have already done on this topic. Due to my curiosity about the approach that moderates and conservatives use to research this topic, will you please share what research you found and the approach that you used to find the research?

I wanted to share the below tweets because I believe they relate to my struggle to meet and settle down with a non-asexual woman who is passionate about living in a mixed-use neighborhood that is safe to walk, bike, and ride transit in. I wish more than just liberals favored this type of neighborhood. Since the type of electric vehicle was not specifically mentioned in the Gallup poll, I have to assume that the poll question was asking about electric automobiles. Due to the ride of e-biking, I wish e-biking was taken more seriously in national polls. I am not sure if the Gallup poll asked a separate question about e-biking. Either way, a respondent’s political party was the greatest differentiator in whether Americans were willing to consider electric vehicles.

Future Blog Post

I copied the following from my last post. I have to use about 40 hours of PTO before it expires at the end of June. Since the rural areas in the Central Coast do not have connected and reliable transit services, I decided to plan a car-free vacation to Eureka with day trips to Redwood National Park. Due to Redwood National Park not having extensive public transit service, I am researching other ways to access the trailheads. Assuming the battery can last long enough, I may ride an e-bike rental from Eureka to the park, charge the battery, and then ride it back to Eureka. Hopefully, the battery does not take several hours to charge like my personal e-bike battery. I wish e-bike batteries would charge as fast as fueling a gas-powered car. While I have not refueled a car at a gas station recently, I believe cars can be refueled within a few minutes. I look forward to blogging more about this vacation.

Sebastopol at Eye Level

Due to May being National Bike Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to combine my usual “The City at Eye Level” post with advocating for breaking down the silos between National Bike Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month. While I am spotlighting these awareness months that occur in May, I honestly have difficulty supporting the effort to create awareness months because biking and mental health issues should not be focused on only in May. I also question the need for awareness months because is there a National Car Month?

The closest awareness months I could find to a National Car Month are the Car Care Council’s National Car Care Month in April and Fall Car Care Month in October. Since these car care months focus on car care and preventative maintenance, they do not focus on encouraging more people to shift from another mode of transportation to driving. Could National Bike Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month no longer be needed someday because American culture views them as normal aspects of our culture, like driving a car? I will keep dreaming and advocating for an American culture to exist like this someday!

Source: Car Car Council

Breaking down the silos between National Bike Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month

Even before American culture reaches the point where biking and helping people with mental health are normal aspects of our culture, I feel an easier and faster milestone will be breaking down the silos between National Bike Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month. As the below tweet by the League of American Bicyclists shows, National Mental Health Awareness Month is not even mentioned in their tweet. While celebrating bike joy could be interpreted as celebrating how biking improves mental health through bringing people joy, mental health is still not explicitly stated in the tweet. The promotional materials for National Bike Month on the League of American Bicyclists’ website also do not mention National Mental Health Awareness Month.

In addition to understanding the need to break down these silos, I hope by the end of this post you will understand the important connection between slowing down and improved mental health. Before I share my personal experience with this connection, I want to share results from this 2017 research study (the article is from 2019 but the research study is from 2017) that support what I have been writing. As the below infographic shows, a 2017 research study on commutes and happiness in Portland, OR found that happiness goes down with the length of a person’s commute, except for cyclists. Those who bike to work were happy no matter the length of their biking commute. 828 individuals in Portland, OR were surveyed. From these surveys, researchers measured commute well-being using a composite score.

While this 2014 British research study does not have an infographic, I like how it provides longitudinal evidence from eighteen waves of the British Household Panel Survey. Since walking was excluded from the Portland research study, I wanted to share the below quote from the British research study.

Our main observation of a positive association between active commuting and wellbeing was supported by four distinct groups of analyses…Furthermore, the commuting time analyses showed a positive relationship between time spent walking and wellbeing which, together with the observed increased effect sizes as participants with shorter commutes were progressively excluded from the first group of analyses, indicate a dose–response relationship.

Martin et al

I realize the research study results that I shared are focused on commuting. Since the below infographic shows how stress varies depending on the type of bike, which is important for my experience biking to and from Sebastopol, I choose to ride an upright bike to reduce stress and load on my neck and lower back. Many recreational cyclists ride racing bikes, so I would be curious to see how the severe stress and load on their necks and lower back impact how they would respond to a research study on the stress of biking. Do you think recreational cyclists are as happy, relaxed, and comfortable as bike commuters?

Barriers to slowing down when accessing and enjoying Sebastopol

Well, I finally made it to discussing my April 29th Sebastopol daycation. The below map shows where Sebastopol is in relation to the rest of California. A variety of barriers prevented me from slowing down enough to enjoy my daycation.

The biggest barrier was the very limited train schedule. Since my e-bike does not fit on the bus, I had to wait until the first northbound SMART train departed Petaluma at 10:12am. I rushed on my e-bike instead of enjoying the beautiful ride on a trail from Santa Rosa to Sebastopol. I missed most of the Apple Blossom Parade because it started at 10am. While I probably should have paid for a hotel room for the night so I could enjoy dinner and the rest of the evening in Sebastopol, I decided to rush back to Santa Rosa to catch the last southbound SMART train that departed at 6:05pm. The later Saturday service started in May, so the 8:12pm trip was not available in April. Instead of feeling relaxed and enjoying a slow bike ride, I felt the need to rush to and from Sebastopol.

Northbound schedule on Saturday
Southbound schedule on Saturday

Thankfully, Patrick Amiot’s spectacular and very detailed upcycle art on Florence Avenue helped me end my daycation on a high note.

Future Blog Post

I have to use about 40 hours of PTO before it expires at the end of June. Since the rural areas in the Central Coast do not have connected and reliable transit services, I decided to plan a car-free vacation to Eureka with day trips to Redwood National Park. Due to Redwood National Park not having extensive public transit service, I am researching other ways to access the trailheads. Assuming the battery can last long enough, I may ride an e-bike rental from Eureka to the park, charge the battery, and then ride it back to Eureka. Hopefully, the battery does not take several hours to charge like my personal e-bike battery. I wish e-bike batteries would charge as fast as fueling a gas-powered car. While I have not refueled a car at a gas station recently, I believe cars can be refueled within a few minutes. I look forward to blogging more about this vacation.

While I debated whether to devote an entire post to how this 2012 issue at UNC Charlotte relates to my current accountability and transparency issue at Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma, I decided that sharing a brief update here is enough. This is an ongoing issue at my church, so I am not going to publicly share specifics. I feel the below quote from Stephan Hoche is powerful enough that it needs to be spotlighted in my blog. I am thankful that Stephan and I are still close friends despite no longer living in the same state. He has been supporting me through my current issue.

“It’s interesting why they have overlooked them for so long.  Basically it seems like UNC Charlotte has been enabling corrupt politicians,” said Stephan Hoche, a geography major. “What they are doing is undermining the fabric of society.  They have sworn to uphold the rule of law.  If you don’t uphold it you should be held accountable and at the very least the SGA Executive Cabinet should give a public apology for their error.  They should be made an example of.”

Stephan Hoche’s response to my UNC Charlotte issue

San Jose at Eye Level

I am riding transit on my way back to Petaluma from my first trip to San Jose, which is actually the largest city in the Bay Area. I carpooled with James Rojas to Oakland to reduce the trip time for my return trip. I rode transit for the full four-hour distance yesterday. I still cannot believe that San Jose is the largest city in the Bay Area. I honestly think of San Francisco and Oakland before I think of San Jose. Since I surprised myself by seeing and hearing more of “The City at Eye Level” while walking and riding transit than biking, I wanted to focus on this aspect as I continue to share my perspective on the power of slowing down.

As Stephan remembers from our bike adventure in Minneapolis, using a bikeshare system is not always easy. Since I wanted to avoid the stress of constantly looking for the next bikeshare station to dock my bike, I decided to walk and ride transit in San Jose. My frugal approach to spending also pushed me to walk because the Bay Wheels system gets expensive very quickly. Unlike the Capital Bikeshare’s Day Pass that I worked on in the DC region, Bay Wheels does not offer a Day Pass option. I was unwilling to pay for each bikeshare trip separately!

Thankfully, I saw and heard more of “The City at Eye Level” by walking and riding transit. Since I am usually focused on not getting hit by cars when biking, I was able to focus on the below colorful art in San Jose while walking.

Photo: Ray Atkinson
Photo: Ray Atkinson

Viva CalleSJ

The main reason why I traveled to San Jose was to participate in Viva CalleSJ, which was an open-streets event. I appreciate James Rojas making me aware of this event. While I wish every day looked like the photo below, I enjoyed the rare open-streets event by watching how people interacted with streets that were almost absent of cars. I wrote “almost” because the intersections allowed cars to cross the route. As many American cities that have organized an open-streets event know, the car dependency of most Americans prevents Americans from experiencing a truly open-streets event. Do you think Americans will ever have the opportunity to experience a truly car-free open-streets event?

Photo: Ray Atkinson

Future Blog Post

I have to use about 40 hours of PTO before it expires at the end of June. While I do not like how some of my PTO hours do not roll over to the next fiscal year, the silver lining is that it forces me to take a vacation. Yes, I can be a workaholic. Since I have so much to explore in California, I am planning a car-free vacation through the Bay Area, Central Coast, Los Angeles, and possibly the Central Valley. While I depend on the Central Valley for food, I am more attracted to the scenery of the Central Coast. Hopefully, the rural areas in the Central Coast will have connected transit services to the Bay Area and Los Angeles. You will find out in a future blog post!

History Is Important When Thinking About The Future

I want to write a quick follow-up post about this Windsor post because I remembered some fascinating historic maps that are in the Petaluma Historical Library and Museum. I visited this museum with a friend today. As the below 1912 map shows, West Windsor used to be served by an agricultural railroad. I need to research whether people were allowed to ride the agricultural train or if the train was only for commercial shipping. Either way, the train no longer exists. I assume car dependency and the shift from railroad shipping to truck shipping caused the trains to no longer exist. I need to research this further to avoid making bad assumptions. I know for certain that Petaluma’s history as being the “Egg Basket of the World” resulted in the need for shipping the eggs. Since this industry is no longer as large in Petaluma, there is no longer much need for shipping eggs.

Regarding how this history relates to the future, the Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) is working to bring back train service to serve people in Windsor. I am often surprised by how many locals do not know their own local area or state’s history. Since I enjoy studying history, I frequently end up educating them about their own local and state history even though I am not from California. How many locals in Windsor do you think know that West Windsor used to be served by an agricultural railroad?

Photo: Ray Atkinson

While the below 1923 map is not related to Windsor unless you want to count that the train service went to Windsor, it surprised my Unitarian Universalists of Petaluma friend who has lived in California most of his life that Petaluma used to be served by so much train service! Look at all the train routes that used to serve Petaluma! The only remaining train route, which was operated by a different company in 1923, is the route served by SMART. I actually need to research whether the train tracks that SMART currently uses through Petaluma were continuously operated since 1923. I have a feeling that SMART may have restarted service in 2017 on a disused rail line.

Photo: Ray Atkinson

Future Blog Post

Since no one has replied to the questions in my last post, I copied the questions below. While I would enjoy having people comment on my posts, I am mostly writing this blog for my autobiography and for my future wife and kids to read. Assuming I ever get married and have kids, which feels less likely to happen as I am getting older and my future wife is unable to have kids when she reaches menopause, I am looking forward to telling them stories as I reflect on my car-free life. I hope I am not sharing too much. I have been thinking about how I prefer to develop romantic relationships slowly. This likely means that being at the point in my future relationship with my future wife to have kids will take years.

Do you understand the connection between The City at Eye Level and my recent posts about the power of slowing down and its impact on creating robust outdoor in-person social networks? If not, I will keep thinking about how to more clearly write about and show this connection in future blog posts. If so, what other topics do you want me to write about?

Windsor at Eye Level

I was surprised to see that I have not published a “The City at Eye Level” post recently. The link to The City at Eye Level keeps changing, so you can longer download the free book in my previous posts. I will need to update the links. For laypeople reading my blog, I am hoping this post helps you to understand the connection between The City at Eye Level and my recent posts about the power of slowing down and its impact on creating robust in-person social networks. Does this connection make sense after reading this post?

Light Rain Cancels Bike Rental

I was planning to rent bikes from a Windsor bike shop to ride with a new friend who was raised in Windsor, which is an unincorporated town on the northern edge of the North Bay Area. This was my first time visiting Windsor. I have so many new places to explore just in Sonoma County let alone the rest of the Bay Area and California!

While my friend and I were prepared to bike in the light rain, the other renters canceled their rentals and bike tours due to the light rain. The bike shop ended up canceling all the rentals and closing for the day. I have never experienced a bike shop cancel rentals due to light rain. I guess this is a weird welcome to California!

Walk Through Windsor

My friend and I did not want the canceled bike rental to ruin our day. We decided to walk several miles through Windsor instead. Walking instead of driving allowed us to more easily see Windsor at eye level. As the below “MORE BIKES, LESS CARS” banner shows, Windsor is trying to reduce car usage and promote biking. I would include walking in with “MORE BIKES” because there is only so much space on the banner. Unfortunately, my friend and I had to walk single-file through downtown and many other parts of Windsor because the sidewalks are too narrow. Even when the sidewalk is wider, street trees and awning posts prevented us from walking side by side. I saw many people walk directly from their parked cars to their destinations. This does not encourage robust in-person outdoor social networking!

Source: Ray Atkinson

I should clarify that I do not want the street trees to be removed. As this Trees in the Curb Zone Pilot Project from the City of Portland shows, it is possible to replace on-street car parking spaces with trees. BikePortland also published this post about the City of Portland’s project. As my 2015 post from Rijswijk, Netherlands shows, I have been thinking about how to replace on-street car parking spaces with trees for several years. Since my Windsor friend said she does not want to lose car parking for her car and actually feels downtown needs more car parking, do you think rural towns like Windsor will ever have the public and political support to create a project like what Portland created?

Rembrandtkade in Rijswijk, Netherlands in August 2014. Source: Google

I wanted to share the below Spanish version of the above banner because I have never seen a banner with different languages on each side of the banner. I am still using Duolingo to improve my Spanish skills. I even bought a used Spanish textbook from the Windsor Public Library.

Source: Ray Atkinson

Another element that could improve Windsor’s eye-level walking experience and encourage the creation of robust outdoor in-person social networks is the planned SMART regional trail, which will someday connect all the way to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal that provides ferries to San Francisco. I would love to bike from Windsor to the Larkspur Ferry Terminal someday. The first signs of the planned trail and the associated Windsor SMART Station are in the below photo. The SMART Train does not currently serve Windsor, so I rode a Sonoma County bus from Santa Rosa to Windsor. I am excited to see the future of transit-oriented development (TOD) and trail-oriented development! Since trail-oriented development could also be shortened to TOD, I am curious to see what the acronym for trail-oriented development will be.

Source: Ray Atkinson

Future Blog Post

Do you understand the connection between The City at Eye Level and my recent posts about the power of slowing down and its impact on creating robust outdoor in-person social networks? If not, I will keep thinking about how to more clearly write about and show this connection in future blog posts. If so, what other topics do you want me to write about?

The Answer to Ray’s Question About The Power of Slowing Down

I am currently on the bus to a doctor’s appointment in Santa Rosa, which is located north of Petaluma. Due to this, my post is short. While the post is short, I hope having less to read will mean more readers will engage with my question this time. Since I believe the answer to my question in my last post is simple but unlikely to be achieved in automobile-dependent Petaluma unless the public is willing to change their travel behavior, I wanted to share this fascinating BikePortland article from this week. Specifically, I want your attention to focus on the thoughts below from Portland’s long-serving and leading bike planner. I have also heard “if you build it, they will come” from Petaluma bike planners. Do you think Petaluma will have the same bike commute decline after it builds more bike infrastructure as Portland is currently experiencing despite building more bike infrastructure? How do you think this question relates to my question about the power of slowing down?

Geller, who’s worked in PBOT as a bike planner since the 1990s, shared a presentation with BAC members titled, Why has bicycle commuting/bicycling been in decline in Portland (2014-2019)? (PDF)

“I’m really kind of stumped,” Geller said at the outset of his presentation, “I’ve been in this position for a long time and the general thinking has always been, ‘build it and they will come.’” Geller explained how PBOT built new bike infrastructure each year and the rise in bicycle use followed up until a peak of 7.2% of commute trips in 2014. “But then things changed and the numbers began to drop,” he said.

“The network has grown, the quality of the network has grown,” he continued. “And so this is why it’s kind of confounding because our strategy of ‘build it and they will come’ is just not working anymore.”

Do you see any cyclists riding in this Portland bike lane surrounded by parked and moving cars? Could Portland’s car dependency be preventing people from biking?
Source: BikePortland

Future Blog Post

I have other ideas on how to continue writing about the power of slowing down and its impact on creating robust in-person social networks. Do you enjoy reading about my perspective on this topic?